Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Had very good writing Meetup. Read one of my short stories. Writing keeps me happy. Other people enjoying my work keeps me enthusiastic.
Had lunch with a dear friend today. SHe brought her copy of "Widow's Walk" so I could autograph. Nice compliment. Get your copy at Amazon.
Coast-to-coast direct-dial phone service available in the U.S. on 11/10/1951. Now cellphone all over the world. Amazing this progress thing.
First ballpoint pens, 1945, $12.00 each. As kid, I wasn't allowed to use them in school. Used pencil to write Widow's Walk. Buy on Amazon.
Less than a year and things are happening. The EPA lives
Farmers in England are required by law to provide their pigs with toys! They could substitute a good book. Widow's Walk
On this date in 1946 The Nuremberg Trial verdicts were announced. We thought it would be an end to lawlessness under cover of legality. HA!
If you missed my interview on Across the Pond use this link. Hope you enjoy.
9/30/1846 first tooth extraction with anesthesia - Charlestown, MA. It shouldn't be like pulling teeth to order Widow's Walk. At Amazon
Largest number children born one woman - 69. 1725-1765, Russian peasant had 16 sets twins, 7 sets triplets, and 4 sets quadruplets. OMG
Thanks to Sue - I visited here today and thought that you would enjoy it too! -
B'day Tribute to Buddy Rich, great jazz drummer- He and Gene Krupa duel of drum greats.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Useless fact: Hair grows faster in summer than in winter. Useful fact: "Widow's Walk" can no be ordered from Amazon and is now on Kindle.
The Muppet Show was banned from TV in Saudi Arabia because one of its stars was a pig.
The brain is about 2% of a person’s body weight. It requires 25 percent of all oxygen used. Kidneys 12%; heart 7%. Problem, if asthmatic.
According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction. Damn, now I have to wait five days.
In just two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday. So, this, too, shall pass.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Kinky is using a feather.
Perverted is using the whole chicken.
Except that one where you're naked in church.
There's nothing like a good laugh -- or an evil one.
I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it.
When discussing health care just remember -WHATEVER HITS THE FAN WILL NOT BE DISTRIBUTED EVENLY.
If you'd like to hear my radio interview for Widow's Walk go to
Just finished internet radio show about "Widow's Walk." Hopefully I'll have tape available on my website as soon as I learn how to post it.
Elvis Presley made one television commercial — "Southern Maid Doughnuts" in 1954. Wanted him to do Widow's Walk, but he had left building.
"Widow's Walk" is now available on Kindle.
Enjoy your reading.
Impressive useless fact: The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
Levi Hutchins of Concord, NH, invented first alarm clock in 1787. It only rang at 4 A.M. - the time he got up. A man of steady habits.
"Widow's Walk is now available on Kindle.
Enjoy your reading.
On this day in 1941 - begin slaughter of 33,771 Jews by Nazis at Babi Yar. Never again - not Jews or any other group. Never.

Monday, September 28, 2009

When I was a child I thought as a child. Now that I am an old man I appreciate how wise the child can be.
There is no cause more worthy than the reformation of ones own heart. As this Day of Atonement ends, may we all pray for God's grace.
Mosquitoes do not bite; they stab. A mosquito has no jaws; it sucks the blood up through a nasal tube. Does that make you itch less?
"If you enjoy reading a story that will touch your inner being ..., then I highly recommend Widow’s Walk." Steven Clark Bradley
This day 490BC - Greek soldier Pheidippides runs 26+ miles to Athens after the Persian defeat at Marathon. (No, kids, he didn't go by car.)
There is so much yet to do, so many more books to write, so many more friends to know, so many more flowers to smell. Today I live happy.
In a moment of foolishness my heart fell in love. In a moment of wisdom I followed my heart. Thus was my life made joyous.
Abortion opponents pushing states to recognize i that human life begins at conception. This will help protect corporations as businesses too

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Need a good book to read or give as a gift. Don't forget Widow's Walk, available at Amazon or go to the book website.
If you're in Phoenix, make it a priority to get to Stay Cat Theatre's production of Blackbird. Great performances of a powerful play.
Please take a moment to be thankful for what you have. So many have so very little.
Beethoven poured cold water on head when he sat down to compose. Believed it stimulated his brain. What were you taught about cold showers?
There are two credit cards for every person in the United States. I owe, I owe, It's off to work I go.
Last night's dream: "my psychoanalyst" is torturing me. Obviously the play I've been writing is getting closer to fruition.
Spiders never spin webs in structures made of chestnut wood. Unfortunately my head is ironwood, which explains two traits.
If you enjoy a good story, consider "Widow"s Walk." Available at Amazon or visit
Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the celebrities who have done Japanese ads, in his case pitching noodles.
The first toy product ever advertised on television was Mr. Potato Head®. (1952) Since then do more kids play with their food?
If the only way to win in life is to cheat, there is something wrong with the system.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Only female mosquitoes drink blood. Male mosquitoes do not bite; they feed on the nectar of flowers. I'll try to check before swatting.
The species of felines that can roar (lions, leopards, tigers, and jaguars) cannot purr. To be fully human one must be able to do both.
Building the interstate road system - 1 mile in every 5 had to be straight - usable as airstrips in times of war or emergencies
Simple adage for diplomats: Once a man is secure in his own home he can befriend his neighbor.
The average human body holds enough fat to make 7 bars of soap. Personally, I'm a full case guy. (Some of it in head.)
I hope all my new friends will take a look at my novel, Widow's Walk," which is available on Amazon. If you like it, please tell others.
Had Vietnamese food last night. One good thing from Vietnam War - many Vietnamese came to US and enriched our lives.
Write your Reps. and Senators demanding that insurance companies lose their immunity from anti-trust laws.
When British divided the Pashto tribe, it set the Afghanistan War in motion. Given their own nation, the Taliban will be easily defeated.
Enjoying those reruns? Your brain is more active while you're sleeping than it is while you're watching TV. TV - the opiate of the masses.
In 1857, Joseph C. Gayetty of New York City invented toilet paper. No doubt after a severe and embarrassing case of poison ivy.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A man has many children, but never one. A woman has one child many times.
So here we are. Is this by definition the beginning or the end? Either way it is pretension. Either way it has already ended.
The exalted pharaoh Ramses II fathered over 160 kids. To immortalize this achievement, the Ramses brand of condoms bears his name.
There is always the chance that tomorrow will ...
The Black Plague in Europe was partially due to people thinking cats were witches and killing them, which left rats free to run around town.
If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.
Everybody doesn't have to agree with the acts of government, but we do have to agree with the process.
Political science question: for whom does government exist, whose social contract is basis: the people, corporations, aristocracy, castes?
President Bush & Saddam Hussein had their shoes made by the same Italian shoemaker. The ones who threw shoes at them had to go to Payless.
Great useless information? The average elephant produces 50 pounds of dung each day. (If you can, watch the Australian mocumentary Kenny.)
Camels eat just about anything. When really hungry they'll eat clothing and even tents. Personally I prefer barbeque.
The sound when you crack your knuckles is actually nitrogen gas bubbles bursting. (One annoying habit I managed to avoid)
A group of rattlesnakes is called a rhumba. (But they don't have hips.)
Last night I got two scenes written for the new play. When it's finished, will It be a keeper? The exquisite torture of writing.
9/25/1789 The Bill of Rights, first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, passed by Congress. The ACLU wasn't founded until 1920.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Spitting cobra spits venom through holes in fangs. Aiming for victim’s eyes, snake can spit up to 6 ft with 19-in spread. Venom can blind
The football huddle first at Gallaudet liberal arts college for deaf. Purpose to prevent other schools from reading their sign language.
Germany considered Casablanca a propaganda film & made it illegal to show in theaters during World War II. Propaganda, but great film.
Estimated that 12 newborn U.S. children will be given to the wrong parents daily. How many parents of teens will claim it happened to the?
This day in 1725 Arthur Guinness, father of Guinness Stout, was born in Celbridge, Ireland. And the world was a better place.
Would the last one out of the icebox please turn off the light.
If you live in Phoenix and love movies, join the Phoenix Film Society for some great deals.
Useless fact time: Camel’s-hair brushes are not made of camel’s hair.They were invented by a man named Camel. Variety of cheap hairs used.
They say it would take twenty new mid-size cars to generate the same amount of pollution that a mid-size 1960's car did. Better, not great.
9/24/1995:Israel & PLO agree to sign pact at White House ending three decades of Israeli occupation of West Bank cities. Time to do better.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Women blink twice as much as men. Except Sarah Palin who winks instead.
A crocodile weighing only 120 pounds exerts a crushing force of about 1,540 pounds between its jaws. Ouch.
A whale’s penis is called a dork. Know any dorks? Wow, what a useless piece of knowledge.
Reader's comment on Widow's Walk: the book to is well thought out and written. I definitely enjoyed it & will get friends to buy it!
ACORN Sues Undercover Filmmakers - and are acorns nuts?
When other kids were playing with their food, philologists were playing with their words.
A male goat that has been neutered is known as a wether. I have no idea whether or not you wanted to know that. (Can't help myself.)
From a reader review of Widow's Walk: Weene asks whom we decide to live for and to what extent selfishness is ok. Available at Amazon.
Reader reviews Widow's Walk - It read real fast. What I call a good read. Characters were deep. It addressed deep issues.
Dentists recommend that you keep your toothbrush at least 6 feet away from a toilet. And wash your hands after brushing?
What happens when all these posts float into ether, travel to the ends of universe, & curve back on themselves. My guess: another big bang.
Reader reviews Widow's Walk - It read real fast and, what I call a good read. Characters were deep. It addressed deep issues.
Republicans iN SC going after those party members insufficiently conservative. Next they eat their own young. Stalin anyone?
The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep a night. Something to do with oxygen?
Now a sliver moon floated above the lavender & apricot sunset. As the moon rose, the pastels gave way to a gasp of blood orange & darkness.
Once again my standard plea: Tell your friends and followers about Widow's Walk. Tell them to order it at Amazon and have a good read.
If I share a dream will you let it fly free? Dreams are like butterflies meant for the breeze.
First commercial passenger airplane flying 1914. First commercial passenger airplane with bathroom 1919. Long time to hold it.
To write is my necessity. To write well is my passion. To be read is my goal. Widow's Walk at Amazon or
Today is the accepted birthday of Greek tragedian Euripides. "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad"
When only extremists show up, there can be no meaningful discussion. Be part of the political scene - Especially if you are in the middle.
The two stone lions in front of NY Public Library are Patience and Fortitude. Named by then-mayor Fiorello LaGuardia.
Computers allow us to overload our minds so that we can stop thinking. Slow down, read a good book, make love, enjoy life.
Why isn't Widow's Walk in the regular bookstores? Because small presses can't afford to compete in that market. Please buy WW at Amazon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If you're still up, you probably need a good book. "Widow's Walk is available at Amazon. You might as well enjoy the night.
When a government no longer believes in following the law, the social contract on which it rests has ended.
Good night and dream Widow's Walk.
UK Refuses To Release Names Of 39 Escaped Prisoners, Citing Privacy Protection. Releasing Victim's Names Still OK
Jenny Sanford, wife of SC Gov. Mark Sanford, signs a deal to write memoir. Better you should read Widow's Walk. Order from Amazon.
"Widow's Walk" is a book about faith, and I have faith that you will tell other people about it. They can order it at Amazon or visit
Writing is to my soul as breathing is to my body. It is a reflex. Try to hold it back and there is unbelievable pain.
U.S. Patent No. D219,584 issued in 1970 to movie actor Steve McQueen. His invention, the bucket seat.
The Tom may stalk the cat in heat for days, but the actual act only lasts seconds. Hope your relationship is better.
Time to relax, put your feet up and enjoy a good book. Widow's Walk is now available on Amazon. Order your copy and tell your friends.
Queensland, Australia: police investigating if officers ran naked round an unmarked police van on way to a stag party. New form of unmarked
I put the finishing touches on a new chapter for "Memoirs From the Asylum." Now I have to decide if the chapter adds to sense of the book.
The Tower of Babel was punishment for hubris. Religious bigots don't get that; they still think they have the entry to Heaven all locked up.
When we stop seeing black, white, Hispanic, Anglo, gay, straight - when we see people, people all, then we will have made progress.
150,000 Gay Couples Say They're Married
27 percent of the estimated 567,743 gay couples in U.S. said they're in marriage-like relationship.
Here it is. I know you've been waiting. Breath bated? Go for it. - "Widow's Walk" When it's time to try starting over. Available at Amazon.
What are important freedoms? Expression, religion, information, security and health, from government intrusion: these are some of my list.
"Today is a good day to write."

Monday, September 21, 2009

Woman Sues Quaker Oats Because She Thought A Captain Crunch Crunchberry Was A Real Berry And Learned It Isn't.
Students in Greater Manchester, UK, need to get certification in "Using Public Transport": recognizes teen's ability to catch bus.
Kenneth Weene, author of Widow's Walk, visits The Book Connection Don't miss the chance to meet Ken's character Arnie Berger
Neighbor came over to pay for a copy of "Widow's Walk." Nice way to punctuate the day. Get your copy at Amazon or go to
Spent an hour writing at the local coffee bean. Finished a chapter to add to Memoirs and half a scene from the new play.
Truth:my belief. Error: the other's belief. Now we fight. Truth: maybes that make it interesting. Error: a chance to learn. Now we grow.
A human who could jump like a flea would be able to leap over a 100-story building. Pity the poor dog he landed on.
Poetry suspends reality within a world of imagination.
We do not buy insurance because nothing bad is going to happen or because something bad is going to happen but because we don't know.
A friend's 10 yr old fell today while rollerblading without proper gear. Now my friend appreciates having health insurance. (Boy is ok.)
Just suppose that those people who don't want health insurance were required only to buy catastrophic coverage. Would that work?
The notebooks of Marie & Pierre Curie experiments on radium are still radioactive. Hope effects of Widow's Walk last as long.
Widow's Walk, when it's time to try starting over. A novel now available on Amazon. This should get you to the evolution of the southern gentleman, a cartoon worth thinking.
Louisianans are the most prone in the United States to die an early death.No doubt because they love those funerals.
In 1939, Pacific Grove, California, passed an ordinance making it a misdemeanor to molest a butterfly. What if the butterfly consents?
The world economy seems to be improving. I hope that means people will be going to Amazon to order "Widow's Walk."
Should the US set up commissions of experts to draft major legislative initiatives rather than trusting the congressional process?
I grew up on Guthrie and Seeger, my son Dylan, a good friend Prince. What songwriter, performer most influenced your political thinking?
Yesterday went to a play reading. The play brought back the 70s and the Weathermen. Were you more frightened by them or today's teabaggers?
In "Widow's Walk" Mary is motivated by love of God, responsibility, and the need to find a life for herself. What motivates you?
Money doesn't buy friends, but it attracts enemies.
Morning: good time to order "Widow's Walk from Amazon. (Of course afternoon, evening, and night are good times, too.)
U.S. foreign policy is too often a continuation of the errors of British. Pax America is not a viable goal unless you're arms manufacturer.
What would failure in Afghanistan look like? Perhaps it is the eventual nature of empires to fail.
Consider the possibilities of your day and choose wisely. Do not jump into a polar bear's cage or go to sea without a boat.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tonight a sliver moon seemed to gloat on a sea of lavender and apricot. Then, as it rose higher in the sky, the sunset turned blood orange.
And now a plug for Widow's Walk. A book about a real family dealing with a real world. Available on Amazon.
For all their talk of liberty, do liberals value individuality?
They speak frequently about "family values," but do conservatives value families.
A leap of leopards hunted a down of hares while a leash of greyhounds barked at a skulk of foxes. Aren't words fun? NPR story on the UN.
60 years later and the UN is still trying to find relevance. Well, I'm a bit older and I'm still trying to find relevance, too.
For those keeping track - I just found my mind. It was on holiday.
Reminiscent of the Ireland Mary Flanagan loved and left:
To learn more about Mary read Widow's Walk, available at Amazon.
I've always tried to be a good loser. I practice losing regularly. My hat, my place, my words: name it, I've lost it.
it is believed that there are between 1 million and 10 million species of insects yet unfound. One of the little buggers just bit me.
Money can't buy you happiness ... But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
- Spike Milligan
Dolphins can remember a specific tone far better than a human can. Luckily for them, I can't sing underwater.
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. Mark Twain Read Widow's Walk instead. Available on Amazon.
Be sure to tell two people about Widow's Walk and order your copy at Amazon. That way I can afford to keep posting crumbs of information.
WWI- because of acute hearing, parrots kept on Eiffel Tower to warn approaching aircraft - better than human spotters. Worked for crumbs.
The therapist in Widow's Walk might surprise you. Find out. Get your copy at Amazon.
Berlin Police: two people have died and third is in coma after group therapy session. Doctor in custody. He wanted to solve their problems.
If everybody agreed, there wouldn't be much point in listening or reading. Civil discourse is the basis of good living.
There's so much pollution in the food chain, get some food for the heart and brain - Widow's Walk - available at Amazon or
A lung fish can last for 3 yrs. on land (suspended animation). How long can you last without a copy of Widow's Walk? Available at Amazon.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

In the world of the blind it's good to have a German Shepherd.
How long have you been alive?
Quality is another matter.
(Thanks Jason)
Widow's Walk is one of the best narrative novels that I have had the pleasure of reading. (from a review just received) On Amazon or
Read all that you can read. Widow's Walk. Available on Amazon.
I hope that your tomorrow will be even better than your today.
Jim Hendrix died in London on Sept 18, 1970. Cause of death: drinking a barbiturate-and-alcohol cocktail or touching the fire in the sky.
Today may be the best yesterday of your life so make the very most of it. "How?" you ask. Order a copy of Widow's Walk from Amazon.
Be sure to smile. It pleases your friend, surprises your acquaintances, and scares your enemies.
If everybody tells 2 people to tell 2 people and so on, soon everyone would know about Widow's Walk and I'd have a best seller.
Obviously, back from meeting. He knew less about Native Americans than I know about astronomy. I shared some of my knowledge and we'll see.
If I do good I will feel better about myself. What other judgement matters. Surely if I am not pleased with me, God won't be either.
Off to meet with someone interested in working with Native American investments. This may be good or greed driven. Worth some time.
Looking for suggestions: How do I get Oprah to read Widow's Walk? How do I get you to order it?
Cathy Maples of Huntsville, Alabama to have dinner with Sarah Palin. She bid $63,500 on eBay. Put money where mouth is. ($ to charity.)
Researchers say promiscuous species of monkeys appear to have stronger immune systems (which explains good congressional health).

Friday, September 18, 2009

Be comforted for this too shall pass. In the meantime, you can read a good book. Try Widow's Walk. Available at Amazon now.
Those who would save you 1st steal your soul. Those who would destroy you 1st steal your reputation. Those who respect you leave you alone.
Male bees, having fertilized queen, are driven from hive & left to starve. Hoping they die hoping reincarnation as sea lions with 100 wives.
Celebrate others and you celebrate God. Happy New Year to my Jewish friends and to everyone else who loves creation.
For the ten year old girls: Yewww
For ten year old boys. Hydrogen sulfide in farts make them smell. Foods that cause really smelly farts: beans, cabbage, cheese, soda, eggs.
If you only read one book this year, make it "Widow's Walk." Why? I need the sales. Available at Amazon.
When I think of all the books I've read, I'm amazed there's room left in my head.
Car battery went - too much AZ heat. Hyundai replaced under warranty. No argument. Does this have something to do with customer loyalty?
The average person’s total skin would weigh about 6 pounds. The thick skinned? If you can't take criticism stay off of the scale.
The valves of the human heart are only as thick as a single piece of tissue paper. No wonder love can break hearts. Read Widow's Walk.
When I was a kid Wheaties was the breakfast of champions. Now it's pills and something soft and high fiber.
A reader comments: "Widows Walk is FANTASTIC!" Now available on Amazon.
NY Times loved Bright Star. I thought it was awful. Glad to know I'm not a knee-jerk latte drinker.
Hoping that you'll pass word of Widow's Walk on to the world. Please let your network know to order on Amazon or visit
Reading Widow's Walk won't reveal everything, but it will keep you interested and get you thinking. Widow's Walk at Amazon or
Went to excellent performance of "A Bad Friend" last night. Theatre makes me think while feeling and feel while thinking.
In case you forgot, Arnie and Mary invite you to read their story - Widow's Walk. Now available through Amazon. Love, faith, and much more.
Fastest fish is the swordfish, at speeds near 68 miles per hour.
He wanted a good friend, so he got a mirror. .......It broke.
No matter how many times he said, "Dog gone," Fido wouldn't run away. So he had to continue cleaning where the dog had gone.
Televangelists: prophets for profits.
In the war on disease another exciting discovery: LysRS central regulator controlling expression and inhibition of various genes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

In prep school we sang "Aura Lee" instead of "Love Me tender." The past trying to hold back the tide of change.
"And I haven’t changed as a Republican, I think more that my party has changed." Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Me) (and she's not that old.)
Good play reminded me how important the written word can be. I hope people find Widow's Walk important.
The end was emotional; fits to complete the circle. Like your style. Seemed quite real. Thanks for letting me read Widow's Walk. At Amazon.
Kangaroo mother has reserve embryo inside Serves as an emergency back-up baby, should the first one die prematurely.
Sunbeam setting out through space at 186,000 mi/sec would go in giant circle & return to its origin in about 200 billion years.
Off to theatre. Have a good evening.
Jewish calendar: year 5769. Chinese calendar: year 4706. Jews went without Chinese food for 1,063 yrs. Dark Ages.
Happy New Year All.
The hair of an adult man or woman can stretch 25 percent of its length without breaking. I recommend pulling it out before trying this.
Jeff Bezos wanted to name his Web venture "Cadabra." He went with his 2nd choice:, which is where to order "Widow's Walk."
Worked on the new play. Half of scene four. I'm liking it. Hope you're enjoying Widow's Walk. You don't have a copy? Order from Amazon!
Joined another group to combat violence against women. Unfortunately that doesn't control the crazies who only hear their own lust.
May starlight shine on your day and your evening be filled with sunshine.
Sept.20 -Muslim festival of Eid-ul-Fitr (Festival of Fast-Breaking) marks end of Ramadan. May the mercy of a merciful God be with them.
A human fetus acquires fingerprints only after three months in the womb. CSI are you listening?
World's tallest man 8ft 1in, Sultan Kosen, from Turkey, is looking for a girlfriend. Know an altiphillic woman, introduction welcome.
Better to suffer the tears of love than to suffer the fears of loneliness. Widow's Walk, a book about life. Available from Amazon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Can't resist this one: A two-day-old gazelle can outrun a full-grown horse. Especially if the horse is horny. (Character motivation.)
Time for bed, but I can't sleep until I make one last shameless bid to get you to order Widow's Walk and to tell others. At Amazon or
A device invented by Greek engineer Hero more than 2,000 years ago is used today as a rotating lawn sprinkler. Don't waste water.
Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in a dim light or a running water. The characters in Widow's Walk keep their color. So, buy Widow's Walk instead of fish food.
Termite queens are fertilized regularly by the same mate for life. They live up to 50 years. On divorce, they split your house.
World’s first electric traffic light installed 75 years ago in Cleveland, Oh at Euclid and East 105th St. Nothing's moved since.
35 % of conservatives in NJ think that Pres. Obama may be the antichrist. I guess that means they consider him their leader.
Things to do: Hug your cat. Pat your child. Order a copy of Widow's Walk - available on Amazon.
Women in Kabul still walk five paces behind their husbands. Why? Land mines.
"http" stands for "hypertext transfer protocol." Widow's Walk stands for a good read.
"Widow's Walk" is a perfect gift for grandparents' day. It's a great read and a meaningful story. Now on Amazon.
Of average $5,300 paid to Tokyo Buddhist temples for funeral fees, $3,300 goes for posthumous name to celebrate deceased's life.
The rear portion of the head of a horse is called the poll. In American politics it is often the other end (of the horse).
The male sea lion may have more than 100 wives, Now that's male power.
"Widow's Walk" doesn't answer weighty political issues or solve the climate crisis. It is just a good read that makes one think. At Amazon.
When was the last time a general said, "No more troops?" Afghanistan - America's next great mistake.
Scientists report discovering a planet like earth. Are the "people" there destroying the climate?
"Widow's Walk" - a novel that explores faith.
When we enjoy life we celebrate God. Make a joyous noise.
" a love story, about religion and faith, marriage, life and death." "wonderful at times and heart-wrenching at other." Widow's Walk
Groupings: covey of partridges, ostentation of peacocks, bouquet of pheasants, nest of rabbits, unkindness of ravens, murder of crows.
Widow's Walk: the novel you want to read. Order at Amazon
Optimism: the fastest route to frustration.
No point in being pessimistic, it won't work anyway.
When truth is inconvenient make up something.
New publicity for Widow's Walk. Have you bought your copy yet?
Before we can agree on the route, we have to agree on a destination. Before we can agree on the destination, we have to agree on a process.
In the chaos of today, it is easy to make believe in the stability of the past.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Poetry group met tonight. The love of language is part of writing. Sample the language of Widow's Walk at
Britain developed the first tanks for use during World War I. The word tank was used because it didn’t mean anything.
Almost out of my first supply of Widow's Walk, I'm waiting for a new batch. Don't you wait, order your copy today. At Amazon or
When Thomas Jefferson became president, 20 percent of all people in the US were slaves. 5 million people in all, including 1 million slaves.
The Pashto people will not give up the Taliban until they have the option of a Pashto state.
Tongue prints are as unique as fingerprints. So watch out where you leave them!
Papua New Guinea police are hunting the leader of a sex cult who promised villagers a bumper banana harvest if they had sex in public.
The sex in Widow's Walk has nothing to do with bananas. Widow's Walk is available at Amazon.
Police in Papua New Guinea police are hunting the leader of a sex cult who promised villagers a bumper banana harvest if they had sex in public.The man and his followers fled naked into the wilderness when police tried to arrest them
Just sent flyer for Widow's Walk to friend in NY. She's going to put them up in my old neighborhood. Thanks. Widow's Walk at
If healthcare doesn't become illness prevention, will it make our lives better?
paraskavedekatriaphobia - fear of Friday the 13th. The Knights Templar were arrested on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307.
There are more than 1,450 recorded species of edible insects. Now don't you feel bad using mosquito repellant?
Widow's Walk is a story of love and faith at odds. It is a story of being human. Now available at Amazon.
R. Cohen in Washington Post: Congressional Sclerosis. symptom - the belief that rules, especially petty ones, no longer apply to you.
Helen Keller developed her sense of smell so well she could identify friends by their odors. The stench of bad jokes comes to mind.
Scientists say daily shower can be dangerous. -Better stay in bed and read a good book. Widow's Walk, now available on Amazon.
A pulsar is a small star made up of neutrons densely packed together. The universe beckons.
A reporter tweets an off-the-record comment by the president. What is his next career? If they keep him, who'll talk with or trust him?

Monday, September 14, 2009

If you put off for tomorrow what you can do today, you might not order your copy of Widow's Walk and that would be a shame. Order at Amazon.
The first lighthouse to use electricity was the Statue of Liberty in 1886. A light that beamed for all.
Danger lurks in the shadows. Mystery is waiting around every turn. Conspiracies abound. Curl up with your fantasies.
"I was caught up with your characters and loved the ending. Now that your book is read, I miss it already.” Widow's Walk now at Amazon
The strongest muscle in the body is not the heart—it’s the tongue! Maybe that's why gossip spreads so fast.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs.
A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item that she doesn't need. Both should buy "Widow's Walk."
Smart man + smart woman = romance

Smart man + dumb woman = affair

Dumb man + smart woman = marriage

Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
To be happy with man understand him a lot & love him a little.
To be happy with woman love her a lot & don't try to understand her at all.
Why do cable news networks show the most outrageous signs. Stupidity, the key to fifteen seconds of fame.
Edgar Allan Poe expelled from West Point because he showed up for a parade in his birthday suit. A soldier after my own heartburn.
May 1987 TV networks began airing Playtex commercials showing women wearing bras. For a "real" story of a woman, read Widow-s Walk.
J Bezos wanted to name his new venture "Cadabra," but he went with his second choice: That's where to order Widow's Walk.
For good food in Phoenix read For a good book read Widow's Walk available on Amazon.
Did U know during WW2 the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were stored in Fort Knox? Do U know to order Widow's Walk at Amazon?
God's sense of humor - one topic explored in Widow's Walk. Available on Amazon or at
If we can't laugh at the mirror, how can we hope to amuse God?
Make amends to somebody today. It will give them a nasty story to tell and make their day.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

When life gives you lemons be sure to brew a good cup of tea.
Pleasant afternoon at writing workshop in Sedona. Now back to selling Widow's Walk so I can afford to go to the next one and the next one.
Remember to order your copy of "Widow's Walk." Mary thanks you, Arnie thanks you, and I thank you. Available on Amazon.
Angry comedy laughs at others, good comedy laughs at our image in the mirror, great comedy laughs with our souls.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. Now that's one of those great facts.
Balancing faith and desire - Widow's Walk. Order your copy on Amazon.
Prayer is the treatment of homilophobia - the fear of sermons.
Be of good cheer. The rest doesn't matter.
Went to 9 ten minute plays last night. Some good, some not so good. One brought me in contact with the Muse.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Question whatever you know to be true and you will always be ahead of your time.
Goodnight wish: May your health insurance not be cancelled and your home not be foreclosed. And, may you order "Widow's Walk" from Amazon.
Every now and again I ping something out there that gets folks thinking and responding. That makes my day.
My guess. The Yale grad student was murdered by another student who loved her and decided if he couldn't have her nobody would.
Slime molds- half fungus and half bacteria - slither on the floor of rain forests in search of food & scatter spores to procreate.
Did you suggest that somebody buy "Widow's Walk" today? Tell Amazon I sent you.
Insight: Pres. Obama is like Jackie Robinson. Robinson was the one to integrate baseball because he could hold his temper.
I don't want to pay taxes. I do want roads, airports, mail , FEMA, Coast Guard, and other things. Now, why don't they let me be the decider?
estimated about 46 million Americans do not have health insurance, and about 25 million are thought to have inadequate insurance. The BBC
These mercenaries in Afghanistan and Iraq - can we control them if we stop the wars? Creating these private armies has been dangerous step.
Who are these people who are motivated only by greed? We have become the enemy of all that to which we would aspire.
Please tell friends, family, even enemies about "Widow's Walk." Available on Amazon and the author is a nice guy, just ask me.
Is that an elephant standing in the road or is it just my self-centeredness?
What is the nature of love? Read "Widow's Walk."
A novel of faith and family "Widow's Walk" Now available at Amazon.
Grandparents' Day is coming. A book is such a great present. "Widow's Walk" available on Amazon or
In 40 characters explore reality, explain philosophy, clarify politics, simplify science, and create great art. Easy: Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Seek the universal in a grain of sand and the particular in an entire beach.
Let's have a raucous rally for civility, a standing ovation for reflection, a flag burning for patriotism, a shout out for political process
Steady stream of herders in dels (traditional robes), brightly colored sashes, and leather boots come to Khujirt, 260 mi from Ulan Bator.
My first batch of "Widow's Walk" is almost gone. A good sign. Sent for more. Get your copy at Amazon or
Naadam, Mongolia's 8-centuries-old celebration of heros and manliness. The sports — horse racing, wrestling and archery. (no endorsements)
Congratulation Derek Jeter. One man of character surpassing another, what sports should be.
Finished another blog interview for Widow's Walk. Good feeling. Widow's Walk is now available on Amazon.
Temper gets us into trouble. Pride keeps us there.

Friday, September 11, 2009

When the moment is ripe, some bird will come along and eat it.
A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel can. How long can you go without reading Widow's Walk?
love scenes between them become all the sweeter because we know how both of them have dealt with the issue of sexuality. on Widow's Walk
The world's oldest person has died. Some mornings I think I should have the title. 115 years, wow.
"let us renew our common purpose, let us remember how we came together as one nation, as one people, as Americans united,” Pres. Obama Amen
A piece I wrote for Writers in the Sky. Hope you enjoy.
Sing happy songs, dance lively jigs, celebrate life: thus we best worship God.
My GPS tells me that I'm here. Have you visited Widow's Walk?
British gov't apologizes for hounding of Turing to suicide. Saddest words in language - What might have been. Fight bigotry.
Actress Patti Hannon does a reading from Widow's Walk. Video at

Thursday, September 10, 2009

4-year-old prayed:
"And forgive us our trash baskets
as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets." Amen!
It takes 24 hours for a tiny newborn swan to peck its way out of its shell. (During which time the father gives away cigars?)
Join Mary in her search for truth and meaning. Widow's Walk now on Amazon or
Writing - the art of bleeding ink. For my blood and sweat read Widow's Walk at Amazon or
The weight of the world’s insect population exceeds that of humankind by a factor of 12. When camping, they all visit.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Went to preview of "The Informant," which is being released in a week. This is a winner. Well acted, funny, thought provoking.
If the president of the U.S. has a responsibility to find the common ground of the American people, Pres Obama's speech was a great success.
The average human eyeball weighs 1 oz. Yet it makes it possible for us to read. Use yours well - maybe to read Widow's Walk. Now on Amazon.
A few friends emailed me that they received their copies of Widow's Walk. I hope you've ordered yours. Available on Amazon or at
Thinking Christmas presents? Thinking books? Think Widow's Walk
ANother piece on Widow's Walk

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Queen Victoria’s physicians prescribed marijuana to relieve her menstrual cramps. Makes me think.
Interview with Ken Weene, author of Widow's Walk.
Love is not a competition.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wrote another scene of the new play. I think it's working.
Who are the persons who make up the social contract? If you are not politically active, do you in effect lose your place in that group?
Mary is a woman who wears the hair shirt of the church as armor against the tribulations of life. From Widow's Walk
Nearly a quarter of all U.S. pet owners bring their pet to their jobs.
Government is only legitimate as long as those who live under it accept that legitimacy.
“If the body is the holy temple of the soul, I hope my soul has taken up residence somewhere else.” from "Widow's Walk"
Friend coming over, out to lunch. Good thing to do. Then I write. Two of life's necessities.
Neurosis is the outer reflection of the inner war between impulse and conscience, between desire and morality.
At the hub of Ken Weeneʼs wondrous story is an outwardly simple woman whose journey reveals an inner life made rich by devotion ...
How to spend a holiday? Exercise your literacy.
Myrtle Beach, SC has the most mini-golf courses per area in the United States. Last count, there were 47 in 60-mile radius.
The problem with democracy is that it relies on the people, and they are often too self-absorbed to take part.
Delightful 1 1/2 hrs online chat with Dayna Joll-Vonthaer. Featuring "Widow's Walk" on her blog and wanted to know me better.
How active have you been in politics since the election? The indifference of the middle has a lot to do with the polarization of our nation.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

One ounce of the material that constitutes a spider’s web could stretch 2,000 miles. Nature is amazing.
The accident took place not on the way to glorious battle – unless risking syphilis is glorious, but ... to a whore house. Widow's Walk
If your ever in Phoenix and want a good meal go to for the best reviews in town.
paraskavedekatriaphobia - Fear of: Friday the 13th Stay home with your copy of Widow's Walk and have a good read. At Amazon or

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It is simply a moment of love – love that requires expression – that demands consummation. From "Widow's Walk." Now at Amazon.
A friend asked how sales of my book were doing. I don't know. Have you ordered a copy yet? Widow's Walk
What have you accomplished today? Have you ordered "Widow's Walk?" Why not visit or order at Amazon?
Reminder: Today is a good day to order a great book. Widow's Walk now available on Amazon. Visit the website
Morning thunder storm in Phoenix. Now that's a rare delight.
“The difficulties of life should make us better, not bitter.” from Widow's Walk
A day of joy. To revel in creation and laugh with angels. To sing off key and have the world hum along. Enjoy.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Just started a new season of Dexter on Netflix. Looking forward to a great weekend. Hope you have the same.
Mailed out 6 copies of Widow's Walk today. Good feeling to sell directly to friends, but you can also go to Amazon or to the web site.
Sean always refuses the host, “Thank you, Father; but I will only take communion when I can walk to the rail to receive it.”
Off to another day of publicizing Widow's Walk. I once again invite you to to learn more and order my novel.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Went to preview of "Bright Star." Long, lack of actor chemistry, no character arc. In brief - boring. Keats deserved more.
I wanted to work on advertising "Widow's Walk," but ended up writing a poem about "walking backward and levitating birds." The Shadow knows.
Now that I have copies of "Widow's Walk" I can send out the promised copies. I look forward to readers' comments.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If you're buying "Widow's Walk" at Amazon, please be sure to tell them how good it is. (Part of my shameless self promotion.)
The typical kangaroo is 40 percent brighter than the smartest dog or cat. And, they all live in Lake Woebegone.
Writers in the sky interview today. Hope you stop by and read it. Hope you buy the book. Hope you feed my ego.
Hope you'll take a look at this new web interview for "Widow's Walk. "

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The moon so bright it lit the way to Babylon yet hazed enough to call out spirit dead
The air so thick you could almost see the old box fan I got at the thrift agitatin’ again’ it.
If Mary had little to bring on board, Mrs. Schale had far more than she could handle. Hat boxes and parcels seemed to overflow -
Mary had gone ... not changing her love for God or her desire for the convent but accepting – ah yes, accepting
Mary would sit by herself and say the Rosary, counting the beads with a feeling that none of the nuns could match. Widow's Walk
It would be great to be famous. I wouldn't have to be pushing myself, my book, all that. Anyway, interview about Widow's Walk.
For more about Widow's Walk try my interview.